Township on Schedule with Williams Plan
The Township of Langley continues to maintain promised timelines as they develop the neighbourhood plan for Williams, in Willoughby. On November 22nd, an open house showcased the draft preferred land use plan. The land use plan is the culmination of the two broad land use concepts presented to the community on June 14th (read our article on those concepts, here). This open house stands as the final round of community feedback collection on the land use plan, prior to moving ahead with writing the neighbourhood plan for submission to Council.
A group of diligent Williams land owners collected signatures from 90% of their neighbours, showing support for a uniform land use, consistent with the “Greenways and Grid” concept presented in June of this year. The Township clearly heard this strong voice as the draft preferred plan is largely representative of the uniform concept from the Summer.
Key highlights of the plan include:
- Employment Lands maintained in northern portion
- A Uniform Land Use over the majority of the plan
- Townhomes Along Arterial Roads specifically the 212th Street connector and 80th Avenue
- Residential Buffer between east Yorkson and the employment lands
- A New School/Park marked by the blue asterisk in the middle of the plan
- Detention Ponds in both the south east and north east corners of the plan
- Pocket Parks & Greenways throughout the plan

Next Steps
Following the November 22nd open house the planners and consultants will review feedback on the draft preferred plan, make final adjustments and begin working on the engineering servicing plan. Following this, they will begin preparing the Williams Neighbourhood Plan for submission to Council. The objective remains to have the plan approved prior to the completion of the new 216th Street interchange in 2019. Following this, they will begin preparing the Williams Neighbourhood Plan for submission to Council. The objective remains to have the plan approved prior to the completion of the new 216th Street interchange in 2019.
You can find the Williams plan background information and presentation boards from all previous open houses on the Township of Langley’s website at