Willoughby Development Status Update

Willoughby continues to be the fastest growing neighbourhood in the Township of Langley. With a current population of 28,000 and an expected population of 80,000 by 2041 there is an obvious need for community development especially as inventory levels continue to drop across the Fraser Valley.

Staying connected to market leading developers and the Township of Langley allows us to understand the timeline to development for each of Willoughby’s neighbourhoods:

1. Yorkson

It is time to shift focus to the West side of 208 Street where the Township’s school site requirement, both north and south of 80th Avenue have been satisfied. Expect a 2-5 year development boom in this area of Yorkson with, according to the Township of Langley, approximately 1000 townhouses in the cue.

2. Carvolth

The Township is encouraging developers not to be afraid to start developing here as the population is starting to come and the school and park sites have very recently been satisfied. The Township continues to be fully committed to creating a transit oriented, walkable neighbourhood.

3. Latimer

Latimer is expected to be the next Yorkson with large developers such as Vesta Properties and Canadian Horizons rearing to go in the North East and South West quadrants, respectively.

4. Jericho

While the east half has been built out with the Langley Events Centre, the west side remains undeveloped due to school and park requirements as well as servicing challenges.

5. Central Gordon

This is another key area to watch over the coming months as it can be considered, from a servicing perspective, as an infill area. The Township owns the 2 lots providing the neighbourhood’s school site so it is only a matter of time until development takes off at full speed.

6. North East Gordon

The Township is still waiting for a detention pond to be sorted out prior to the build out of North East Gordon but developers have begun buying up large assemblies in preparation.

7. Smith

The Township of Langley’s planning department is expecting to see a draft preferred land use concept in the Spring of 2016 and is targeting to finalize the neighbourhood plan by the end of 2016. The urgency is in opening up 208th street to be widened, allowing traffic to flow from Yorkson south into other parts of Langley.

8. Williams

The Township of Langley has yet to develop an area plan for this neighbourhood.

9. Routley

While Routley is substantially built out already it lacks a school of its own and as a result will play a role in the development of Latimer directly to the north.

10. South West Gordon

This area is already substantially built out with only a few infill development opportunities remaining.

As the timeline to development shortens on emerging neighbourhoods in Willoughby the land values rise with demand.
As the timeline to development shortens on emerging neighbourhoods in Willoughby the land values rise with demand.

Feel free to reach out if there is any additional information that would be particularly relevant to your investment strategy.

Justin Mitchell

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Founding Partner
Residential Development Land
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