Brookswood-Fernridge OCP: Another Open House
Brookswood-Fernridge OCP to receive further public input and another chance at adoption.
Two days of council deliberation and a dozen council-initiated amendments later, the draft Brookswood-Fernridge OCP failed to be given 3rd Reading on July 11th. There was visible frustration among the Mayor and council members as 16 months of planning and public engagement failed to generate an OCP update which the majority of council could stand behind.
Over the two days of deliberation, council members brought forward an extensive list of 28 amendments for consideration. Of the amendment proposed, 12 were passed by council and include:
- An increase to the minimum lot size allowed in single family development, from 4,000 square feet to 5,000 square feet
- A 10% limit on small lots – In either of the single family land use designations there is a provision to develop lots smaller than the minimum. For example, in Single Family 2, the minimum lot size is 10,000 sf but through a neighbourhood plan, lots as small as 7,000 sf are permitted. This amendment limits those reduced-size lots to a maximum of 10% of the developed area of any given development.
- To maintain a land use designation for Cedar Creek Manufactured Home Park (MHP) which is consistent with the 1987 plan (single family, 7,000 sf lots) and subsequently bring forward a bylaw to designate it as MHP.
- A change in land use designation for 20633 and 20685 20 Avenue to reduce the designated density from Single Family 2 (10,000 sf lots) to Single Family 1 (2 acre lots) in consideration of the neighbouring ALR land.
For councilors Sparrow and Fox it was the sheer number of these last minute amendments to the plan that drove them to vote against 3rd Reading.
A complete list of the amendments, including those that were proposed but not passed, can be found by following THIS LINK.
Following the denial of 3rd reading, Mayor Froese exercised his right to call a special meeting of council to bring the bylaw back for reconsideration of 3rd Reading. This meeting was held on Monday, July 17th to which the community was encouraged to attend. A motion was passed at the special meeting of council to hold another public hearing on September 12, 2017 at the George Preston Recreation Centre for the community and stakeholders to share their opinion of the amended plan. As a result, the Brookswood-Fernridge OCP Update bylaw has been referred back to staff until after the September public hearing. If all goes as planned, October 2, 2017 appears to be the earliest date the Brookswood-Fernridge OCP Update bylaw could be given 3rd Reading.
A copy of the amended plan can be found HERE.