Council Meeting News: Township of Langley (November 6, 2023)
Here is the latest council news from the Township of Langley! Below you will find a summary of the residential development projects covered at the November 6, 2023 Township of Langley Public Hearing Council Meeting.
Township of Langley – NOVEMBER 6
8393 200 Street
- Applicant: North Arc Properties
- Application : 101375
- Location/NCP: Carvolth
- Associated Project Summary: 195 Apartments and 74 Townhouses
- Application Summary: Application to amend the Carvolth Neighbourhood Plan (Carvolth NP) and rezone portions of a 4.6 ha (11.4 ac) parcel of land located at 8393 – 200 Street to Comprehensive Development Zone CD-197 and issue a Development Permit to facilitate development of 195 apartments and 74 townhouses.
- Outcome: Received Third Reading
Name | In Favour | Opposed | No Vote Indicated* |
Mayor Eric Woodward | X | ||
Councillor Barb Martens | X | ||
Councillor Margaret Kunst | Absent | ||
Councillor Steve Ferguson | X | ||
Councillor Misty Van Popta | X | ||
Councillor Tim Baillie | X | ||
Councillor Kim Richter | X | ||
Councillor Michael V Pratt | X | ||
Councillor Rob Rindt | X |
27257 and 27265 28A Avenue
- Applicant: OAP Developments Ltd.
- Application : 101194
- Location/NCP: Aldergrove Core
- Associated Project Summary: 43 Apartment units
- Application Summary: Application to rezone approximately 0.3 ha (0.7 ac) of land located at 27257 and 27265 – 28A Avenue to Comprehensive Development Zone CD-188 and issue a Development Permit to facilitate development of a 5-storey 43-unit apartment building.
- Outcome: Received Third Reading
Name | In Favour | Opposed | No Vote Indicated* |
Mayor Eric Woodward | X | ||
Councillor Barb Martens | Absent | ||
Councillor Margaret Kunst | Absent | ||
Councillor Steve Ferguson | X | ||
Councillor Misty Van Popta | X | ||
Councillor Tim Baillie | X | ||
Councillor Kim Richter | X | ||
Councillor Michael V Pratt | X | ||
Councillor Rob Rindt | X |
If you’d like to learn more about these items, agendas, meeting minutes, and videos can be found on the Township’s website HERE, or give us a shout to discuss.
Note: Each member present at a meeting must vote on the matter being decided. If a council or board member does not indicate how they vote, they are deemed to have voted in the affirmative. In other words, they cannot abstain from voting, unless they may not participate because of a conflict of interest and have followed the procedure for dealing with various types of prohibited conflicts of interest under the Community Charter. Source: Government of BC’s local government council and board procedures.