Willoughby Development Forecast 2016

Willoughby continues to be the fastest growing neighbourhood in the Township of Langley.

Development over the past 5 years has been focused, primarily, in the eastern and northern portions of Yorkson but as school, park and detention pond requirements are satisfied in neighbouring regions, new areas are opened up to developers. The green highlighted regions on the below map indicates regions containing a high concentration of new development applications, revealing a short term movement west into Carvolth and into the southern quadrants of Yorkson. As development follows closely behind transactions of vacant land the concentration in recent residential development land sales, shown by the red and yellow circles, tells us a lot about where developers will be next. Transactions over the past 12 months indicate that future development will continue to spread from central Yorkson west into more of Latimer and into southwest Yorkson.

North East Yorkson and Central Gordon have also been drawing a considerable amount of attention recently with market leading developers, such as Vesta Properties, investing heavily in these promising areas.

If you would like to learn more about the trends or details of the development applications or recent sales please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Justin Mitchell

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Founding Partner
Residential Development Land
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